This situation is called once at the beginning of the game. Use it to define global variables, and set up overall strategies for the entire game.
Orbital combat start
This situation is called at the beginning of orbital combat. It will be called at the beginning of orbital combat each month for each planet. Use it to create strategies for the orbital combat for the entire month.
Planetary bombardment start
This situation is called once at the beginning of the planetary bombardment. So over the course of orbital combat for the month this situation will be called six times.
Each planetary bombardment ship
This situation is called once for each ship in orbit during the orbital bombardment stage. This is where you actually bombard hexes or tell ships to leave orbit.
Planetary defense start
This situation is called once at the beginning of planetary defense. So over the course of orbital combat for the month this situation will be called six times.
Each planetary defense system
This situation is called once for each planetary defense structure. This is where you actually pick a ship to attack, or skip.
Orbital deployment
This situation is called once for each orbital deployment stage. So over the course of orbital combat for the month this situation will be called six times. This is where you select which troops to send down to the planet, which ships they will come from, and which hex the squad will land on.
Planetary deployment start
This situation is called at the beginning of the planetary deployment stage. So over the course of orbital combat for the month this situation will be called six times.
Each barracks
This situation is called once for each barracks structure on the planet. This is where you select which troops will leave the barracks and enter planetary combat.
Planetary troop movement start
This situation is called before any planetary troops move. Use it to define variables used by all of your squads to coordinate commands. So over the course of orbital combat for the month this situation will be called six times.
Each planetary squad
This situation is called once for each planetary squad until all of the squads have moved. This is where you move squads, joins squads, separate squads, station squads and attack other squads. Squads will become active from left to right, looping around the world, until all of the squads have moved or have been stationed.
Orbital troop movement start
This situation is called before any orbital troops move. Use it to define variables used by all of your squads to coordinate commands. So over the course of orbital combat for the month this situation will be called six times.
Each orbital squad
This situation is called once for each orbital squad until all of the squads have moved. This is where you move squads, joins squads, separate squads, station squads and attack other squads. Squads will become active from left to right, looping around the world, until all of the squads have moved or have been stationed.
Ground combat start
This situation is called at the beginning of ground combat(when two squads of different races occupy the same hex). Use it to define variables used during the entire ground combat. Also use it to plan an overall strategy for your ground combat.
Each ground unit
This situation is called once for each unit during ground combat during each frame. In order to increase the speed of ground combat, each unit’s AI is called in sequence, looping after eight frames. So during frame 1: unit 1 is called, frame 2: unit 2, frame 3: unit 3, etc... If your squad contains less than eight units then during the frames where a unit would be called, nothing is done. So if you have 6 units, no situation is called during frame 7 and 8, at frame 9, unit 1 is called again. Use this situation to select targets, assign destinations, and activate weapons.
Sector turn start
This situation is called at the beginning of the sector turn stage. This is after orbital combat for all of the planets with enemy ships in orbit or enemy troops on the ground. Use this situation to plan overall fleet movement, perhaps picking which world to focus your forces on.
Each fleet
This situation is called when each fleet is activate. This is were you move, separate and join fleets. You can also enter orbit, attack worlds and attack enemy fleets. You can also assign paths to fleets and change ship manifests.
Space combat start
This situation is called at the beginning of space combat. Here you can define variables shared by all of the units in space combat, analyze the situation and determine an overall strategy for space combat.
Each unit
This situation is called for each unit during space combat during each frame. In order to increase the speed of space combat, each unit’s AI is called in sequence, looping after seven frames. So during frame 1: unit 1 is called, frame 2: unit 2, frame 3: unit 3, etc... If your fleet contains less than seven units then during the frames where a unit would be called, nothing is done. So if you have 5 units, no situation is called during frame 6 and 7, at frame 8, unit 1 is called again. Use this situation to select targets, assign destinations, and activate weapons.
Planetary production start
This situation is called at the beginning of planetary production. Here you can define variables that are shared by all of the planets during production. You can also implement ship designs in this situation.
Each planet, before production
This situation is called just before the production stage of each planet. Here you can set planetary spending, initiate, pause and halt planetary projects, set star dock construction, and set the manifest of the ship being built. You can also send ships into orbit, land them on the planet, repair, reload and refit ships.